Finally I get these up here. it seems that blogger doesn't like letting me upload things directly from my computer. I had to photobucket these bad boys.
Here they are, pages 5 and 6 of the Cube Thread. It seems that time was just against me, but after a nice fat paycheck from all the hours of walgreens, and after a week of relaxation withe the lady friend, I was finally able to wrap these pages up. I would have been done earlier had I not decided to add a couple of more things.
I hope it looks like I put some hours into these cause I did, but I have now gotten faster at this method of rendering, so that last ad-on portion that I did didn't take as long as the initial parts.
don't know if this makes sense, but most of the pages so far are a little dense in content so I don't feel too out of place.
I promise not to take so long next time, I'm sure everyone is going through some lack-of-time with midterms and all.
introducing the Doc. PHishBowl. the mastermind inside his mind, and thus the true intentions are revealed. Block-Dude never would have known.
Split for your convenience.